Q: How do I serve static files with GraceJS?

A: GraceJS focuses primarily on API services. To serve static files, it's recommended to use a dedicated static file server or configure your front-end server (like Nginx) to serve static content.

Q: Can GraceJS be used with existing Express middleware?

A: While GraceJS is not directly compatible with Express middleware, many concepts are similar. You can often rewrite Express middleware as GraceJS middleware with minimal changes.

Q: How does GraceJS differ from other frameworks like Express or Koa?

A: GraceJS focuses on simplicity and convention over configuration, offering features like filesystem-based routing and automated error handling. While Express and Koa offer more flexibility, GraceJS aims to reduce boilerplate and setup time for building APIs.

Q: Is GraceJS suitable for building large-scale applications?

A: Yes, GraceJS is designed to be scalable and efficient, making it suitable for both small and large-scale applications. Its structure promotes maintainability and ease of testing.

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